Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Disappointment?

Well hey readers! Wow is all I can say right now. Thank you for being loyal to Potter's Army all of you! At one point I had six page views, I come back from a phone call, and I have 28 page views! All I can really say is thank you all of you who are remaining loyal to Potter's Army! If their are new viewers of Potter's Army out their, well thanks for joining the "cause" and I hope you continue to view Potter's Army here. Well shall we get to tonight's last post?

Well on July 11th, 2007 (USA), Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was released in theaters! I was looking forward to this movie greatly! This book was my favorite (this was of course before Deathly Hallows, which was released 10 days later) in the series at the time. I loved it. It just showed so much of Hogwarts that we had never seen. It was a longer book, which I love. It really got into Harry's Story. I mean like really in-depth. A lot of people don't like this book for some reason. They say this was the worst book, because it kind of just drags on, but I absolutely love this one! My second favorite Harry Potter book, because of Deathly Hallows. So, yeah needless to say I was looking forward to seeing it on the big screen. Ron paying Quidditch but nope! In my eyes the whole Order of the Phoenix film was a complete DISAPPOINTMENT!!!! I have went over the book to the film, and over half of the book was cut out! Now, I know its a long book and they have to cut out things to make it in a decent time frame. Though this I do not believe is acceptable, it is the longest book BUT the shortest movie (and still is). How in the world does that work out? You didn't need to cut over half the book. I have looked it over dozens of times, and it is true, over half of the book is missing from this film. Things like: Ron playing Quidditch, Snape/Sirius fight on Christmas break, Dobby, Kreacher Scenes, Educational Decree, Quidditch in general, Two-Way Mirror, and lots lots more! I could go on and on about what they cut out! The Two-Way Mirror was really actually important, hence they did use it (and not explain it) in Deathly Hallows Part One. Dobby really needed to be added in every film that he was in the book, but they just POPPED him in Part One. Their should have been at least a mention of him in the other movies. Oh well though. Yeah, I thought the whole film those was a huge disappointment though. I had very high expectations for it though, and I believe that could have been the problem. I have kind of learned to like it more and more every time I see it! I do love the Possession Scene though, as I have already said in a previous post! I also love the Voldemort/Dumbledore Fighting scene! Their were of course good parts, but most of it was just a disappointment to me though. What do you think though? Email me at noahmarkbitney@gmail.com what you think about Order of the Phoenix film? Do you like the 5th Harry Potter book, is it your favorite after the Deathly Hallows book? Or do you think it is the worst Harry Potter book like others? Just curious what other Harry Potter fans think. One more thing I do have to say on this subject though is that David Yates did a good job directing though! I really do like him as the director of the final films, he is doing an excellent job. Lets just hope he doesn't disappoint us with Part Two of Deathly Hallows now. . . . . .

Well I am hoping you all have enjoyed this blog post, and continue to enjoy Potter's Army as I continue to do Blog Post's for all of you! Thanks again for all the views! I really enjoy knowing that people do actually read this. I am asking you though for help in spreading the word about the Potter's Army blog is you can in anyway you can please? Thanks if you do! I love seeing people read Potter's Army. Remember to email me at noahmarkbitney@gmail.com with answers to the above questions, your own questions for me, suggestions, comments, a PicPost, or your very own Potter's Army Blog Post! Remember you can do that because YOU are apart of the blog. Thanks again though for being loyal to Potter's Army, and continuing to read the Blog Posts that I create for all of us Harry Potter fans!


This above Blog Post has got somewhat to do with another Blog Post that I will be putting up online tomorrow, so make sure that you tune back in here at Potter;s Army for the rest of the Story! :D

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