Well, well, well, as I said earlier this week I am going to Blog as much as i can. Well I just wanna say I am going to try and hold true to that by doing a post today!
Firstly though I want to say that I am extremely sorry for the lack of posts this month. I was hoping to get over 100 posts this month. Now I think that might be impossible. I am continuing to worry about losing readers here. I hope that I have not lost any so far. I hope you all continue to be loyal to the Potter's Army blog. I am going to blog a lot more! I know I have said this A LOT, BUT I MEAN IT! I love blogging for all of you readers, but I just don't always have the time to. I know sometimes i blog a lot for a little bit, but then I stop for a little while! Well I am trying to stop that from happening. Now, I just wanna say that I am extremely sorry! I am done saying that now though, and I have some news about the blog and my twitter account.
Firstly I wanna change the blog! Once I get my MacBook Pro, I might bring the blog to become not just a blog on blogger.com here anymore. I wanna create a website for our Potter's Army (soon to be Post-Potter Depression). I will keep the blog up though until I get the sight to perfection (but first I need to get my laptop). Now with twitter, I am not going to tweet so much about the blog anymore and my tweets are going to be much more random; not so often. If you want to contact me from now on please email me at noahmarkbitney@gmail.com that is going to be the only way to contact me about anything for the blog as I won't be checking my twitter as often as I used to. Now another new feature I am going to create for the blog is a Facebook.com fanpage for you to fan on Facebook! That will not be up of course until I get my MacBook Pro, which should be sometime next month or by March-April! Then except lots of blog posts and reviews of things Harry Potter that I should have reviewed a long long time ago!
Well thank you for reading! Now I want to say before I close this informational blog, that do not expect lots of blog posts while I still have my iPad here. I will blog at the very least once a day when I get my MacBook Pro. One other thing I want to say is that you should expect a post tonight though so you know! So, thank you for reading this post! I hope you remain to be a fan and a reader of Potter's Army! I thank you for remaining loyal to the blog, and to the Harry Potter world!!!
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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