Well as you can see the New Potter's Army Site has changed to it's new look!!! Except maybe the color scheme! Do y think it needs changing?? Well anyway! The new look includes, name of the blog change, new motto for the blog, and all-new section on the side bar!!! The latest Deathly Hallows Trailer!!! Whoot whoot! I have been working extremely hard on getting that onto the site for the longest of time!
Now though! As you might have read in my tweets, that I have introduced a new thing that is coming along with Potter's Army! Movie Talk! Now what is movie talk exactly? Well now I am going to start movie talk on every other Friday! Starting hopefully this one! I am going to ask my tweeters on the @HParmy account on which Harry Potter Movie I should watch. The one with the most votes in 30 mins gets picked. Now then I watch that movie. But! I am going to blog the entire time during the entirety of the movie. I am going to blog anything that comes into my head during the movie. Like what the movie people did wrong from the book, how some parts don't make sense even in the book, and also why they left out some parts from the books. I will do this about every other Friday if I can! Sound like a good idea for Potter's Army? Also included in Movie Talk, I ask you as my followers to do this also. Watch the movie we have picked! Write anything down during e movie or about the movie for the length of the movie then email it to me at noahmbitney@gmail.com only use that email to send my Movie Talk submission! When you do submit it make sure you give me your twitter username too! But I will remind you of all this when the time comes!!!
So does Movie Talk sound like a good idea to you??? I thought it did!!! :D
Well here was an exclusive look at POTTER'S ARMY!! REST OF THE DETAILS RELEASED TOMORROW! THERE ARE 5 LEFT TO RELEASE!!! To see the other ones that were previously released check the blog post before this one! :D
Thanks for reading! :D :D Hope you join up! :D
55 more day :D also remember to recruit by following @HParmy
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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